Friday, January 18

Little Talks

 {Outfit: Shoes + Jacket - thrifted, Dress - Handmade, Tights - Target, Socks - H&M}

I wore this outfit to an interview at the one and only American Apparel. What do you guys think? I am very proud of myself for finally taking the initiative and taking that next step into adulthood. I mean I should be driving by now but I dont want to reminisce about that time i failed my driving test. Anyways I am really loving the comments and how you lovelies are emailing me and actually wanting to talk to moi. I feel so loved <3 Tomorrow I am going to National Portfolio Day thang and I havent even put mine together or have anything ready. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

1 comment:

Express yourself it's good to share what you think.