Monday, October 31

Shiny Light

 Look at this marvelous light it has such a nice vintage feel with it.

 Look at my cardigan i found at the thrift store so cool

Background garbage bags again. In the Japanese fashion magazines that I read they do the really cute segments where they choose a set amount of clothes and do different combinations and put together all these really cute outfits. So i accepted the challenge and started doing it. It was kind of hard choosing out the clothes i would use but after that the days that i get to wear the combos was really fun. Sadly it was really hard for me to take photos of my outfits everyday. So here's one of the few that I've taken and a shiny light that i really like that's in my house.


  1. awesome blog, keep it up!
    love it, and i'll keep coming back for sure!

  2. Like your cardigan, it's so unique.

    P.s. Like your blog, following you. :)

  3. lovely post!.. the cardigan was really cool..

    Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!

  4. Love this look and the angles you shot from. Cute!


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